Ah, I forgot to post about this yesterday! Chantal was VERY nice and told me she was willing to translate the Vintage Post Card of Mona Lisa for me! So here is her translation! I think it is the sweetest sentiment and I am so glad that she offered because it makes the post card that much more special (besides winning her!):
Hi Gypsy,
It's a very interesting postcard in itself! Without the private writing I mean.
Front: The Mona Lisa, by Leonardo Da Vinci. Stolen from the Louvre Museum on August 21st, 1911.
On the back, under Correspondance, it says: Not all foreign countries accept writing on the front of the card (recto). Check with your post office. I think it's interesting because I noticed that messages were often written around the image on old French postcards, not on the back as you would expect.
The actual text says: Tender One. Hello. We're keeping well. We're still warm (hot). The coat was seen (checked?). There's nothing wrong with it. A big kiss. From Fifille. This would be a cute/childish word for Daughter. Lots of good things to you. Marie
See the simplicity of the address! Name, townland and town only.