Ha! Score! What a great surprise and mail day!!!
First of all, one of my co-workers, a wine lover, brings me a funny faboo bottle of wine! It has a Red Hat Label from an official chapter!! Too giggly fun! She apparently got it at Molly Stones! Snort and she got me white wine because she knows I am not a fan of red.
All the while there is a B E A U T I F U L day outside, I mean like the poor plants and tree's are totally confused! They think it is Spring! It is simply wonderful and gorgeous out side! I can't believe what I see there are Cherry Tree's BLOOMING! Mini little fleurs every where! I am so excited...and grateful that I live in California rather than where they are snowed in take a peek! FLEURS on tree's already!!!
Then CHARMED arrived! Yeah! Season SEVEN! Now I am excited! New Charmed! I am totally watching it!
THEN hold my breathe I get home and there is a package!!! YES!!! My Somerset Mag and the Gallery is here!!!! AFTER WEEKS OF waiting! Only to find out the Mary shrines in the Mag are NOT the ones I own! Boooooo!!!!! Oh well, At least I finally got to see Debrina AND Mary's art in Somerset!!!!
What a great day! I am off to hole up in my bed watching Charmed, scanning my mags and reading my book! Oh lush fun ... how will I sleep?