Wow, I guess I have been really out of it lately...because I haven't been this sick in awhile. I had a rude shock tonight that my health care that used to be GREAT is lacking now! I got my doc to prescribe me some antibiotics and when I went to pay they wanted a co-pay of $35!!!
I was shocked! I said no...I can't afford that! I will not budge call her back for a cheaper prescription! The pharmacist said "But this is a new state of the art drug" I said yeah that is going to drive me to the poor house and I won't do it.
So pain in the ass that I am...I demanded that they fix it. I will get sick from the meds...but I can't afford $35 in co-pay not to know if I am deathly allergic or if I will get hives that last 2 weeks or make me more sick...
Shit how are people doing it when their co-pays are more than $35???? If this keeps up as I get old I will die to early because I can't afford the meds! Shit...this is scary! I know...most of you know this already, but I have been in a job for 20 years that up until right now covered everything 100%, which was part of the reason I put up with all of their bull shit!
Now I am 20 years in and can't afford to leave because I have too much invested toward my retirement! Damn...I am fucked! I have to watch that my fear does not happen, that I will be a Cart Lady walking up and down the downtown yelling at the people and community I served for 30 years! Shiver!
And NO neither candidate tonight helped with my fears at all during the debate!