In the end I didn't get it all together...Well...have you ever just had ONE of those days from the minute you open your eyes wondering what the hell you are doing? Why you feel the way you do? And where you are going? Then wonder if it is ALL the medication or if you are really having some issues.
I had a bought of anxiety again today and dizzy almost falling down again. I am tired of feeling this way. I was SO emotional driving to the mini art get together that I almost turned around and didn't go. That is not a good way to drive Highway 17!
We started our flags, of course Lucy was WAY ahead by having her paper done already! And seriously I was not in mood for I did a few attempts and stopped and just worked on my knitting...we went to lunch at a funky little Mexican restaurant and it was great food.
I brought my calorimetry hat/headband to my personal knit doctor, Lucy, and she was able to finally explain to me what I needed to do. I just couldn't wrap my brain around it! Short rows...they are a pain! Especially if you DON'T know what you are doing!
We made for a short visit but I was ready to go home. I stopped at my fav knit store on the way home and this is scary...they REMEMBERED my name! LOL You know you hang out too long or buy too much when they know your name! Snort But in all fairness I remembered hers! Roz! LOL So there you go!
I picked up some of that fun yarn Lucy had made a scarf with last year, open gauze like looking stuff! I knew it would be fun to play with...and then I FINISHED the calorimetry hat/headband tonight! All but the button and I feel PROUD! Yeah! its done!
Even through the phases of dizzy I was so happy I finished!!!!