Its always good to reflect on the last year, which wasn't one of my favorites, to see if you accomplihsed what you set out to do or not. Most of the time I have no plan on what the hell I am doing all year. So I then just feel like I am sailing on a turbulant sea without a good sense direction... It was that way this entire year too.
I feel like I have to be a lot more disciplined in my life this coming year, and really accomplish some good things. I have to stop making excuses for myself and live the life I was meant to. If that has to have flying in it, then I have to embrace that thought and go with it, fear or not. There are things I really want to do.
I need to clean my house up, because once that is done I would LOVE to get some new furniture in here. That includes some recylers and a rocking chair. So in order to do that I think I need to do a few yard sales...and get rid of some stuff! I am packed in clutter right now and I am not doing good in it. And since I can't rely on other people coming to help me, I just have to do it.
But in all honesty its hard, I spent all week looking at this shit and only got a 1/4 of what I wanted done while I was off work. It just makes me so heavy and depressed looking at it! For instance I am looking over at my end table next to my couch in my family room and I told myself I was going to dust the damn thing a week ago...and yet 6 months of dust is sitting on the damn thing! Gross I know...but its true...sad to say. My studio and family room is so bad I keep loosing stuff I really need, like the cord to my DSL camera to charge the friggin battery! REALLY? So all week I was off no taking photos for me! Some day I will learn that I need to put things away when I am done and quit acting like I did as a teenager...
Also, I wanted to take some knitting classes last year, and I didn't get around to it. Nor did I clean up the Lucy Spinning wheel, because every time I went to clean it up I cried. So I decided this coming month I am going to contact the yarn shop that has the replacement pieces I paid for and pay THEM to clean and fix it so I will get on with actually spinning yarn on it this year! And that would fulfill two! Spinning classes = knitting classes it is related!
This is the year I am going to start to look into doing art classes in my area...meaning I am going to try to bring in some great teachers and do mini classes and see if this is a possiblity for me to go into when I retire from where I am now! Income for me that will match what I am making now at least so I can stay living in this area...AND enjoy art too! A friend of mine has some space that we can work if it is not too messy and it is close we will do more talking about this option soon.
I did not nearly spend enough time with my friends this year, another thing I need to change! I want to do a lot more art with my favorite peeps! They get me so inspired! And another reason to have my house clean to HAVE them over here to play as well! Open door policy would be good!
So some of this is going to be purging my art supplies, I just have to figure out if I am going to send these treasures to Raft or just throw it away and be done with it...or box and ship to a friend! LOL
I need to be a better friend this year. And BE THERE for my friends. This last year had me hanging my head in shame for a few of my friends, I had one great friend go through surgery and I couldn't be there because I was going to an art retreat...but I still felt bad that I didn't see her when I got back.
Life just seemed to snowball me all 2011 and found myself more and more in depression over things I had no control over at all. And I am finally digging myself out of the depression, because really I could not have changed anything that caused was ALL out of my personal control. I cannot allow other people to have that kind of hold over my moods.
For instance I have been wanting to go and see Pallie in Oregon for YEARS now and I haven't made it back. 2012 is going to be different IF I can get my ass on a plane it would get me there quicker than the driving does and I could spend more time with her verses driving...AND I want to meet Corinne! A friend online for YEARS now and she lives in Medford Oregon! I could drive and see her from Pallie and on the way see the Bennetts! Now it is just going to have to get over my NERVES for flying and do it!
I also would love to go to San Diego and see Sharla, and help her clean her studio up! We talked about this, so if I get some of mine done to where I wouldn't be embarrassed she could come and help me organize what I have left! LOL
I want to take more road trips too...WGB and I are talking about going through Northern California, the Oregon coast and Washington on a hunt for possibilities of where to retire...unless I can bring in good income in retirement from where I am we will have to move...the cost of living here is too pricey! I have even been considering buying a mobile home just to stay in the area...instead of having to move away...I love my home city! But I have to be realistic too...
And I am going to be SERIOUS about loosing 4 dress sizes too! I am done with this weight! Gah Sick of it! So I have a lot to do this New Year!