Ok so yesterday was SUCH a bad day I didn't even have the gumption to post the FABO umbrella stand that came in the mail yesterday! AND my walking stick and 2 umbrellas look so great in it!!!!
Now to clean all the clutter and find a nice place for it! Snort! I am trying to work on this issue, and tomorrow I want to get up early take a bike ride with my honey if he wants to go, come back wash my car, and work on the book case since all those books are STILL on my couch!
Trying to take charge of all this damn clutter! I actually got through another 1.5 of my DVD stands and put them in my black binders for them! As long as I am working on it there is movement and a light at the end of the tunnel that may not be a train!!!
I plan on using these stands (which I love) in my studio area for fabric and other supplies! Bev gave me that idea and I think it is great! All those DVDs will be hidden out of sight and MORE in sight supplies in front of me in the studio! Perfect!