Ooooosh! I was SO nervous going alone but I had a GREAT time! I registered on time and went to lunch with Fanabella at an upscale little restaurant where we sat outside and enjoyed our time between the bee's and wasp's getting VERY close! I had a beautiful salad! Explosions of taste in every bite. I drove her back to work and then I went grocery shopping and to Fan's house and chilled out until it was time to go to the Amador Theater to see 1000 Journals! I LOVE the idea of this experiment and the book I have ... It was FANTASTIC! I wish she would sell DVDs of this film. I loved every minute of it and it was life changing!

I was able to meet a few people AND Chrysti found me in the crowd! Her boyfriend Carl was with her! I was SO excited to meet her!!!! She is so warm and genuine! I liked them both instantly! I was so glad that I was able to come (thanks to her) and my anxiety left. I had a really good night! On stage some ZNE members said thank you to Chel for all her work, giving her special gifts including crown, septor and robe! The lighting sucked so my photos didn't turn out...
Saturday was up early, Fan was so cute, she had a snack bag ready for me, and we had some coffee together she made some biscuits but I can't eat that early in the am. I was so excited to hear SARK talk! I have enjoyed her books and the things I have seen from her. She inspires me, if not with her writing but that anyone can be an artist, can journal...with juicy pens and thirsty paper! I was glad I brought my book for her to sign! She had a friend who is a Disney Imaginer give the intro and he SO reminded me of one of my guys at work! He has Professional Third Grader on his business cards! I LOVED him! I could SO see my friend Stephen doing this!
Then there was an hour and half of waiting for classes to start. I met 3 fab women, who couldn't figure out how to sign up for classes and so just came for the breakfast. They were Fun and funny! They live local so I am hoping to meet up with them again! I laughed a lot with them! So much fun!
Class...Ah class! Delightful, upbeat, messy and FUN class with Chrysti!! Freeing. There were 9 of us and it was a nice size for me, not too much going on that you couldn't keep up and some really great people in class! I enjoyed it! I especially liked using the molding paste! She did a large amount of information in a one day class! And the goodie about generous! Inside mine was some FROGS!
Jazzy and Diva sat next to me, and I had a great time sharing in class...I loved every minute! We painted papers and they can be made into a book, she gave us the wire to bind them, like a technique book! I felt like I did a lot and yet did nothing...I feel like I should have done more...but that was simply not possible! Giggle We worked hard and fast! I was EXHAUSTED after class!
That day was AMAZING, getting to meet so many people of the same mind set, tattoo's showing, artist hair every where! Meeting special people who are teachers in this industry, amazing day!
Then dinner at Blue Agave! We had to wait too long for dinner and I got a bad headache, but the company and the vibe was so worth being there! I enjoyed it! We sat in the backyard of the old house and since I was driving I couldn't do a margarita, but I enjoyed the surrounding and the company! I ran into Bev and the photo with the 4 women are where I was sitting and enjoying their company! I had a GREAT time! I was so happy to meet them!

On Sunday I slept in, took a lazy shower and got slowly ready for the day, having breakfast and coffee with Fan and we talked until almost 3!!! I had to rush out not to miss the Vendor event. I got to see Chrysti before going home, she was talking to some one, and dork that I am, said "Why do I know you?" Duh! It was Shosh!!!! I was THRILLED to see her again AND I got to meet her hubby too! What a great day indeed! Although Aleen was sick and didn't come Bev was doing the booth for her. When I got there, every one was closing up, so I didn't have to spend any money! Giggle
I ran into Diva again and I got two of her tiara's! One small and one large! ooosh! She had some great stuff! She is such a dear! I really like her and I got to talk to her friend, who is going through the same thing as me, grappling with aging. She did the self-portrait class. I hope we talk again.
I don't even know how to thank Chrysti. She is AMAZING in internet friendship AND in real life! I adore her! She gave me some items for Lucy as well and I will be mailing them for her to have joy as well!