You know, its Monday. I worked ALL day...and then when I got home, I worked my boney fingers more! I cleaned up my studio art area...and Eeeeuuuu I sucked up a "BLACK WIDOW SPIDER" into the vacuum cleaner!!!! Eeeeuuuu! She was nesting behind one of my plastic totes! Shudder
I really have to learn to purge! Why do I keep all forms of paper crap??? I have no reason to. I should just learn to throw it away when I first touch it! But no, for some reason I have to stack it for a time, re-read everything and then MAYBE throw it out! Or move it to a new stack! It is a sickness!
The reason for the sudden cleaning you ask? Ah...the dreaded thought of embarrassement as my Crazy Ladies are coming for a visit on Saturday. The Crazy Ladies started off being a group of women who got together to do crazy quilting, but now I am the only one doing it still...and health issues with members, we have offically disbanded the group, but we some times get together to see each other. And I invited them to my place!
So I have this whole week to get my house clean! Can I demolish it and reassemble it in time? Most likely not! Do I really care? No, not really...or I would have hired Maids! Its not filthy...its just a clutter bug mess! I clutter. I like stuff. I have TOO MUCH stuff! I am starting to understand that I just have to rotate my stock! LOL That is when you really know you have to much!
But I do have my Halloween stuff out! Well most of it! : )