What a fantastic day! Seriously fantastic! I got out of the house on time despite the fact that I woke up with a bladder infection that I tried to ignore ALL day!
(Note: When I called the on duty doctor, she got mad at ME because I didn't know what antibiotic I COULD take...sigh...so I worked with the pharmacist and we finally found the one I could take! I have now at this late hour FINALLY received the meds and started to take it! I hope it kicks in soon! I guess I have to get TWO more med bracelets in order to put ALL my allergies and now WHAT I can take! Sigh)
Any way, I left on time and got to Loretta's house...all excited about the day! We had a great convo about thyroid issues! I love talking to more people that live with this too! And we got lost going to Sharen's house even though we had been there before! Giggle
So we got there around 11 even though we left an hour earlier! Sigh! Giggle Snort!
We started to eat a little bit and then started right to work, and we made some great progress! They are doing great! For never having done crazy quilting before they are going lightening fast! We got to some beading today...and next time we are going to do some silk ribbon!