What have you been doing to get through this shitstorm of a year? For me, one of my greatest joy's is watching our wildlife around our home. And I have become fond of the Jay birds. This one is having issues, I think she may have broken her leg. But they look better than they have in the last 3 days. I make sure to have water and food she can reach on the deck and she is surviving and still flying. And the sweetest was the mate came down on the deck and fed her a worm! Super sweet to see. They are taking care of each other! I really hope she makes it! (you can see him flying off on the right side...he didn't stay still long for me).
Dealing with the smoke:
We have been doing this with our box fans the last 3 days and it has helped. My eyes and ears are still itchy though. But I am glad we are doing this, it has really helped...we are not coughing as bad as we were.
Tarot Spread for New Moon in Virgo
The tarot spread layout was in one of my online classes, by Shinjini Mehrotra, you can find her on her website: https://moderngypsy.in/free-classes-resources/
My draw today:
1: The World
An Auspicious period. You have achieved success in your endeavor. Walk in harmony with Mother Earth. Gather your Tribe and give your best.
2. Justice
Principle of consequences. You reap what you sow. Reclaim your power. Take an honest inventory of your life, acknowledge your successes and defeats.
2. Princess of Swords
Dazzle in the delights of your ambitions. Pay attention to your surrounds. Question your reality. Keep an open mind.
3. Judgement
Heading the call of a higher purpose. A resurrection, the rebirth of a new personality. Forgive yourself and other. Be the visionary you were made to be.
3. Queen of Pentacles
Nurturing yourself and the environment around you. Be open to the needs of others. Distribute the wealth you have equally among others. Channel your gifts to create new life.
4. Queen of Cups
Open to sensuality. Seeker of desires and potent pleasures. Rich empathy, creativity and understanding. Emotional intelligence.
Oh and what card did I pull again from the Oracle deck?
Denial....hum...what is this about?
I noticed today a new watercolor class on roladex cards. On https://lexigrenzer.com/ website. I love Lexi, when I met her, I swear we were like family! I have cards, and I just have not started to art yet. So I am heavily leaning towards the class.
Are you missing art festivals where you can find really beautiful handmade items for Christmas? My friend has you covered!
The password to get into the group is Hallmark
Ah to end the day with a good friends phone call! It is great to hear from her, you know how life is just busy, and this being a rotten year, it is nice to catch up with those you love. So ending the day on a high note.