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Friday, September 03, 2021



I do not live in the States but this shit is making me really angry.
I think I am maybe too naive or something because I can't understand how this can even be a discussion. How come they are coming back in time making these stupid decisions for others.

Good for you to stand your ground at 19!


Amen sister!!
I agree with you 1000%
I know of a male who is in his 30's. Has chosen that he doesn't want children that he can't take care of. Tried to do the right thing and get the snip. And the doctors told him NO because he was single, childless, and might change his mind later. He tried to advocate for himself to get it done and they still refused until he was at least over 35. And still if/when he tries to argue for it again, they will force him to get counseling first. SMH!!!
YAY for you for standing your ground. More people should do exactly what you did and turn the tables on these people.


Nolwenn I live here and I don't understand it other than the far right religious people trying to control the masses! It was HARD to stand up for myself, but my grandma who raised me, had 10 children! I wasn't going there!

Lisa! He has the right to choose! I don't understand doctors! There is always adoption if you change your mind, or if you want kids in your life you can be a big brother or a great uncle! They don't have to come from our bodies!

Donna Holmes

oh wow, im in the UK and hearing of whats happening again now. THis sort of thing makes me SO mad. So many decisions made by men for women, its not right not one little bit. I never had children, thats another story, but im a stepmum and I have already started the discussions with my SD that we will help protect her against unwanted when she is old enough to begin that part of her life, and the discussion with SS that HE should take responsibility when he is old enough... Gee we live in a modern world dont we?


Yes I am furious too! After I had my son and went into Post Partum Depression I didn't want anymore children. I'd practically raised my brothers & sisters and I was DONE. Went to get fitted for a diaphragm but the effing Catholic Dr said NO! WTF? I went to another and got one. BUT I got pregnant using a diaphragm and a condom. I never did figure out how that happened. I spent the rest of my fertile life fearing another pregnancy. I'm past that but it still matters to me. NO ONE has the right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body!


I'm so furious over Texas. <3 I'm right there with you.

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Effy Wild Class 2019

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