"Don't employ a gallon of words to covey a teaspoon of thoughts." A quote from a commonplace notebook
I know that I can be a deep diver and get intense with my discussions...so on a light note...
My garden is not doing well this Summer it is SO hot! Here are some pretty photos for your enjoyment.
We live in the trees, not a heavy forest, but the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. And one of the joys I have living here is watching the wild life. Up until last April we had hundreds of birds, we have 4 feeding stations and lots of water stations. But in April we were asked not feed them while a group of birds migrated through because they were sick. We still have many birds but no longer in the hundreds, it took me about 3 years to build their trust.
We have bunnies that come through and eat the veggies. There are red fox that jump and pounce around. Coyotes that make their way through at night and drink at the fountain of the frog. We have raccoon families that bathe in the frog! Literally mama dunking the kids! And birds swimming in it!
This hungry little mama ate my Memorial Rose for Crackers down to a nub! But I can't get angry they are hungry and looking for food. So WGB used the railroad tie and my iron climbing walls to cut off the opening to my deck so she can't get back in to eat my flowers!
The first photo she hears me saying "what are you doing on my deck girl?" and then she runs off! Such a brat! I didn't think she got to anything but then when I went outside I saw she munched my yellow rose! Brat! But the reason she is hungry is she has a baby...I am inserting the July video of the baby who kisses my durpy frog after taking a drink here.
Download 2021_07_15_fawn_drinking (1)
Keeping up with babies are hard to I am not begrudging her eating my rose bush!
I have about 6 new buds on the Yellow Rose bush now, so it is coming back nicely. It is a Julia Child's rose, and the yellow has been a true bright yellow.
Last month a friend of ours called us, her SIL was moving and could not take some of her plants, so we drove down and picked them up. The ferns...I LOVE ferns, but I didn't think I could grow them here because it is SO hot and cold. But I thought why not try! The heat has been challenging, and the first one in the photo was almost dead when we brought it home, I haven't wanted to cut the dead out yet until it felt a little better adjusting to my porch. Some time this next week I need to cut the dead out of it to give it room for the new growth coming in. The big one has had 2 frawns die back and 3 new ones come in since I have had it. The third one! Oh she is lush but even in this spot when I was sick last week, the heat got to her a bit...because I couldn't go out and mist them. I usually mist them 2 times a day and they love it.
The other plants that we were given, a sweet little pink rose, it finally has some blooms after a month. I am not sure what the 2nd plant is, but it is much happy now it went through a time where it pouted quite a bit. And we received 2 Christmas Cactus that will come in the house during Winter. But look how happy it it is! It has some more growth on it! They are adjusting well.
My hydrangia is doing well this year, she is 3 years old now, but only had 2 blooms in May. I think it is from the heat. No one wants to bloom in this heat! But she is healthy and it makes me happy! Every so often I throw my coffee grounds on her to keep her acid up.
Our Monstera (swiss cheese) plant, we call Mom, because it was WGBs mom's plant when she was alive. Is LOVING where we live! She is super happy here and the frogs hang out in her. She has been so happy and making new leaves all the time. I really want to take a cutting a start a new plant from her, I am scared right now, so will do some research because I don't want to hurt her by doing that. But I really want a couple of new plants from her. I think we will be successful because she is so happy here.
My Peace Lily plant that my the POA where I retired from sent me when my brother died, has another big shoot coming out of it. I have to repot that one and the one that is on the table next to it that I planted from it 2 months ago! Prolific! I have some Babies ready to replant now too...just have to get them in their own pots.
Wow! What a busy and lovely garden. I'm sorry the heat is being hard on it. I hope things cool down and it perks back up.
Posted by: Kim | Saturday, September 04, 2021 at 10:10 PM
Beautiful garden!!
Posted by: Gina Maloney | Saturday, September 04, 2021 at 10:30 PM