I wasn't ready for the 2 hour drive but we did it again, drove back to the pottery place, our mini meyer lemon tree and orange tree need to be repotted and fertilized. So we decided to get two more pots.
We were able to get the pots, hard decision on color, we went with Red to match our house Trim. They are beautiful pots, but they didn't have the right color for the pans that go under them, the pottery place is low on all of their items (you couldn't tell that) but they have been waiting for several containers of the pots and the water catchers for months, she thinks she will have them in some time in July. For now we have plastic ones we can use.
Our tree's are looking a little stressed, they need to be fed and replanted. I think they get too hot on the deck with full Summer sun, so we need to put them under the eves or on the side of the house where they can get some shade in the afternoon.
I kept dreaming of the Durpy Zen Frog and ended up buying him! I LURVE him! He is quite big and heavy...for now just near the roses.