So I was really nervous when I woke up this morning, knowing I was going to get the vaccination today. I thought it was going to be the Moderna vaccine, but when I got into the process I learned it was the Pfizer vaccine. “Pfizer’s is 95% effective, while Moderna’s is 94.1% effective. And I go back to get the second vaccination in 3 weeks vs. 4 weeks.
I have to say my health group had it dialed in. The hardest part was driving the hour to get there. You stood 6 feet apart outside, in a group of about 50, then you were let into the huge office space, check in, stand in line 6 feet apart again until you get to the person who gives you the vaccine. You sit and verify your information, and receive the vaccine.
Then you go to an area set up with chairs where you sit 15-30 minutes afterwards. I had to sit for 30 minutes because of my usual reactions to medications. I sat there and did some urban sketching to pass the time. I had NO pain in my arm at all! When No. 15 vaccinated me I didn't even know she did it! AND I didn't even feel her put on a bandaid!!!
We had to do some shopping and as I sat in truck, about an hour into it, my throat started to swell, I had an issue swallowing...but I tried not to panic! At about the 2 hour mark it was all gone and I was back to normal.
We ordered take out at PF Chang's to take it home for Lunch/Dinner and saw Barnes and Noble!!! So I was able to run in, pick out magazines and get a coffee from Starbucks! Then drove home. I was tired but grateful that I was able to get my first shot today.