Badass women doing their art!

  • Effy Wild
    Badass artist, follow her, take some classes, become a badass!
  • LoriMarsha
    I am honored to own several pieces of her art!
  • Lindsay Ostrom
    Another friends blog! Man alive this woman is a prolific artist! I love her and her art!
  • Pip Notes
    Such a good friend to me!
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Monday, April 01, 2019



Thanks for the lovely review of Effy365! I'm glad you're in there with me, and that it is getting you going on your body of work! xo

I'm also here with hugs for all you've been through. SO many changes!

Amy Everett

I'm excited for you and your art goals. Can't wait to see what you create 💜

Jayme T Hunt

I'm also looking forward to seeing your work. Seems like we're on a similar journey...


Wow! So many big things. I am glad you are doing more of the things you tarot card was Strength today (and ace of cups fell out).


I am loving your art goals and look forward to hearing more about your journey. The canvas scares me too. I have only one that I created but I have several blank waiting for me to take the plunge, if I could just find the courage.
I can relate to the part about making yourself small for others. That is one of the things I am trying to work through. I'm also working on Effy's dig deeper challenge from last week's video.


I still get all giggly and butt wiggles when you acknowledge me! I feel like a stalker! Because you are like a Rock Star! LOL

Thank you for your generous spirit and the art classes!


One of the things I tell myself all the time Lisa, is if I don't like it I can gesso over it! I cannot treat it like precious or I am frozen! Slap that paint on! I feel so free now and you should too!


Thank you! I love that there is movement again in the deep work!


I am glad I am not alone on my journey! Thanks for being on the same road with me!


Rachel, I giggled reading the Ace of cups fell out with your card pull...oh so sneaky!

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Effy Wild Class 2019

  • February work
    I am in Effy Wilds 365 Class If you want to stretch yourself as a person and an artist consider taking one of her classes! You can find her here:

Gypsy Tarot Card Art

  • Death
    These are photos of the Collage Cards that I am doing in an Online Tarot Class. I am placing the images on used CDs...kind of recycling!