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Thursday, April 11, 2019


Kimi Bois

so true.


I sure hope I have learned something from every go around with the same problem. So yes I know what you mean about getting tired of it. Me too.

Thanks for sharing this.


I love both the sayings you used here. Your friend had some wise words. We I repeated go through the same shit, I often wonder what did I miss that I didn't learn the first few times. I never considered that I might be seeing it from a different angle.
Food for thought for sure! Thank you for sharing it.


Wise and it makes a lot of sense. I wonder if healing is like learning and kind of a spiral that revisits and grows/moves on a little each time?


I am so glad this is resonating with others, I think it is exactly what we go through. Glad I am not alone.
It was SUCH and AH-HA moment when she told me that...and sharing it, makes me feel even better that others "get it!"
Thank you for leaving comments!!!


I did a million years of 'head' work before the body work began, and whoa. There is still so much in there. I definitely hear you on the 'why this again' thing. I have to remind myself that healing happens in layers. *sigh*

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Effy Wild Class 2019

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