Badass women doing their art!

  • Effy Wild
    Badass artist, follow her, take some classes, become a badass!
  • LoriMarsha
    I am honored to own several pieces of her art!
  • Lindsay Ostrom
    Another friends blog! Man alive this woman is a prolific artist! I love her and her art!
  • Pip Notes
    Such a good friend to me!
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Thursday, April 04, 2019


BJ Scott

Congrats to you and your 5K! No worries as it is All just doing the best you can. I have those "worst case scenarios too. You go girl!

Kimi Bois

Yay for working towards health, is not always easy but the end results always feel good. Cheering you on! (and happy you have friends to walk with you, I find that always helps)


Oh amazing that your friends offered to walk with you, that's really cool. And go at your own pace. Congrats for signing up!


I've walked a couple of 5k before, I have chronic pain so I understand where you're coming from. Just take it slow and easy. YAY for that friend that will walk with you.


Thanks everyone! The FIRST of anything is the hardest! Even though I am still nervous I am excited now too! Than you for all the encouragement! It means a lot to me!


Whoooooop! Awesome! You got this!

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Effy Wild Class 2019

  • February work
    I am in Effy Wilds 365 Class If you want to stretch yourself as a person and an artist consider taking one of her classes! You can find her here:

Gypsy Tarot Card Art

  • Death
    These are photos of the Collage Cards that I am doing in an Online Tarot Class. I am placing the images on used CDs...kind of recycling!