Life is hard.
Even when you are in a really good place in your life, life is hard.
Reminders to myself...I always choose a word for the year, and this year it is two... "Be Kind".
And in January I decided to start meditating again...and being more mindful. I love following Dan Harris Podcast 10% Happier. Have you ever noticed when you make a decision to enrich your life, that all the odds come at you to derail you? And it has mind gets so cluttered with thoughts from the pain of other people. I have to remember to L E T G O... Breathe through the hard parts. I cannot change their lives for them, I cannot fix things...I can try to give them wisdom...but it is up to them to take it.
I have been enjoying my kitchen and cooking...feeling a connection to my grandma as I figure out how to really cook. And then I read this today:
Seriously, Just Chop the Carrot
Turning cooking into a mindfulness practice does not require fancy broiling, braising, or basting. We don’t need to have a Michelin star to be a mindful chef—all that is required is our five senses.
“When you cut the carrot, just cut the carrot,” says Lulu Cook. Don’t mindlessly chop. Notice the colors, smells and sounds, and feel your fingertips as you prepare the food. Paying attention in this way can be nourishing not only to our taste buds, but all of our senses and state of mind.
Stuffing the closest edible item into your mouth without a second thought to how it got to there is an easy habit to develop. Try taking a mindful moment to reflect on where your food came from, who was involved and the effort it took to make it to your plate. Adding a dash of gratitude into the meal can be a nice seasoning.
And I would add a dash of gratitude for learning how to prepare a good meal...a really flavorful meal...every thing tastes vibrant to me since I started to really cook. It is amazing! I even enjoy this beautiful chicken soup with lentle, barley, leeks, squash and zucchini. Some how with the preparation of food I meditate and clear the crap that rattles around my head from other peoples noise. I find a connection that is deeper with this really great life I have with him. It is the simple rituals of life that are the sweetest.