Well, yesterday we moved out of our house of 16 years. We are emotionally exhausted as well as physically! Yesterday from 630 am to 1:00 am we were moving moving moving and I feel extremely broken, my arms and legs went numb. This is what happens when your partner decides to be self-sufficient. In reality we could have used help from about 3 guys! I am going to be paying for this move for a long time with pain. But I sure appreciate my friends! Especially my girls that I have known over 30 years. Fan and Maryanne, they came, they helped pack, and fed us through the horror of moving.
I have purged, given items to thrift, and raft. Now I only have clothes that fit me...less shoes and I am more determined to have my own studio! I am not having all of my art supplies in the house again. It needs to be separate and our house our house!
I had to leave my plants behind and our bird Crackers was in the middle seat of the truck by midnight in the cat carrier and so tired when we pulled out at 1:00 am...gassed up the truck and started to head up to Grass Valley. Good bye Mountain View. I feel so weird leaving you behind.
It was SO hard to keep both of us awake trying to get to our friends Chris and Brian in Grass Valley. We had to keep the cab warm for the bird so my eyes were rolling I was so tired. We got to their house at 4:30 am and we just crashed! My arms and legs were numb...for hours!
Then we were up by 8:30 today and started to drink coffee and get ourselves moving! SO grateful for them and letting us stay with them! We saw on the news that Donner Pass was going to have snow today so we left around 12 to go into NV to my son's place to drop Crackers off with him, he is going to take care of her as we are on the road...the trip was good we took Highway 20 to highway 80 so beautiful! Crackers did really good until we got to Truckee then she started to shake her head. I knew then that she was having pressure in her ears poor baby!
Once we got passed the summit Crackers did better, but by the time we got to Vernon's she had been in the cat carrier for a long time..she was looking wilted. The first thing WGB did was set up her cage and she started to feel a little better with her cage and her food. I am a little worried about her.
We are exhausted and made it a short night.