We are trying to recover. Didn't sleep great but that is the story of my life. My entire body hurts. Just trying to enjoy the time with the kids and the baby. The baby started to warm up to me. When I was telling my son I had to leave my plants (especially the ones Lucy gave me) I started to cry. So WGB took off to go pick them up in Mountain View. I wish he would not have done that...but he insisted.
Mizz V had to go on a girls trip and my son had to go to work so I got to babysit Twinkle! Since she had warmed up to me it all went really well! She is really into her big bouncy balls, and totally into fish! We are watching Dory a lot! She is cute as a button!
WGB was able to get the plants and my rose and made it to Chris and Brian's again by 11 pm...of course he hit commute traffic trying to get back to Grass Valley. At least he got a nice nights sleep!
My arms hurt so bad they cannot be lifted up!