Today we got through the rest of Oregon, scooted through Washington, but didn't stop, it wasn't that far to Idaho. Trying to drink more water on the road, because yesterday was brutal I didn't drink anything because I didn't want to be stopping every 30 minutes! but I don't need the headache I get from not drinking water! So today I did better! One thing I can say is Idaho is beautiful in good weather! We were driving through Coeur d'Alene we saw from the Freeway, while we passed it an old Mission...when I said I would love to have seen it, we turned around! Mission of the Sacred Heart.
Coeur d' Alene's Old Mission. What a beautiful State Park they turned it into! I know you all know how much I love Catholic Icons and relics! I was in history heaven! When standing too long in the Mission and taking photos, WGB said come on honey, enough Catholic Guilt! I laughed and continued to take photos! Seriously a beautiful space...and easy to meditate and think about history and what occurred here.
To the right on the blog you will find the photo album...on the road it is way to hard to include the photos in the body of the post.
We finished driving through Idaho and made it as far as Missoula Montana...stopped at a Best Western for the night...did I say it was raining? Yup my stuff in the back of the truck is getting wet...I will be glad to get that topper on the truck that we ordered in Oregon! But that is not for a few weeks...
We ate at a really horrible pizza place near the was just too spicy for me so WGB ordered us a couple of salads to get by with...eating on the road is hard...I am going back to plain...nothing fancy! Tomorrow we head into Big Timber MT!