Annoyed. My dad does not understand that in order to really have a relationship with people YOU NEED TO CALL THEM SOMETIMES!!! He thinks my brothers should call him and come by his house...
He has no clue that hey, put yourself out there and let people know you are thinking of them, and maybe just maybe they would call you and have a relationship with you.
I can't fix it...
It is just so hard to hear the pain in his voice, but I kept telling him last night that you dad, have to make an effort and let people know YOU love them and just don't want something from them. And hey, how about acknowledging the harm you have done, get some forgiveness going and freeing your sons from their pain...that you caused...and then maybe just maybe you could real relationships...he was NOT happy with me last night, but maybe I gave him some room to pause and take some inventory and maybe he will choose different!
At 77 I am not that hopeful but I tried. The most annoying part is that I am the ONLY person in his life that will tell him the truth! Ever! It is a hard place to be.
I over the years have made sure to go to Joplin to see him face to face and try to hash out our issues and get him to acknowledge how he abused me and I freed him with forgiveness.... It is just hard to deal with his aging since he has not done any of that with anyone else in his small is all coming on to me because I can talk to him! Gah