It is a lesson in gratitude. When my life is getting me really down, and I am weighted with the problems of the world and life is getting tough, I look forward to every six months, MARS. Mountain Artists Retreat Sleepover. The first time I went, I felt a bit like a stranger that didn't belong...but that quickly faded with kindred spirits.
It is an experience of 20-25 women who are artists. We come together and take the pressure of the world off of our shoulders for a weekend. And the weekend blurs by! This Spring MARS I drove up by myself to Grass Valley area, with my iPod with all my favorite music playing, and enjoying some time by myself to think. My body has been randomly swelling again, and I am just not feeling good, but I did not let that stop me from BEING in the moment - enjoying these women!
I realize we won't always be all together, that in an instant life can change, so this weekend is one of renewal and gratitude to be able to enjoy and love eachother and laugh until we need depends! Share our dreams.