Each year my girlfriend Lindsay who has awesome blogs by the way, www.lindsayostrom.blogspot.com and www.scribblesbylinzi.blogspot.com, she coordinates PenPals, last year there were like 43 of us this year 97!!! And we are having some fun!
You are just required to send something to your PenPal, and only once...most do more. Some over acheivers try to do everyone in the group. I won't be one of those since I work full time. I just can't. But I am having fun and feeling good every time I go to the mailbox! Great mail vs bills!
The power of GOOD bombing, Lindsay came up with the idea of bombing someone with a health issue, personal reason, or because they have had a shitty week...I nominated my daughter Desi and she got bombed with what she called "Pretty Mail"