Well its confirmed WGB had a mini stroke... next step MRI, and one for the arteries, also he will have an ultra sound of his heart. Neuro wanted his numbers on his cholesterol...so he has to have another blood test...HUGE deal for him, he hates needles! Its a warning shot...so now the doc wants to figure out what caused it and how we can prevent another one. He suspects he has had high blood pressure for awhile now, and he had some allergies kick up last Friday and took some Sudafed...apparently that can spike your blood pressure, and the doc thinks that is what caused the mini stroke... I am hoping all is well in his veins...and we will find that out on the up coming tests...
Blood pressure is nothing to fool around with...hope all turns out well for the both of you!!!
Posted by: KnitNurd | Wednesday, August 08, 2012 at 11:00 PM
No its not...this is a wake up call for us that is for sure!
Posted by: Gypsy | Thursday, August 09, 2012 at 06:53 AM