So shall I share how my day started off? I go to get into my car and some one, most likely my EX for a reason husband who lives in my area, poured OIL all over my car! Yup! One big fat I spent the first hour of work driving through the car wash and the WGB driving me to work!
Some times the worst thing you can do to a person is to live well and happy! This weekend was the 12th anniversary of when I left him! you would think, if you were a rational person, that he would be a little more happy AND grateful...considering her bought his mobile home, harley and god knows what else with MY retirement money! But no...since his life is going south I guess its all my fault again!!
I am just going to act like it is a fly buzzing around my head pestering me and not give it more power...I was JUST annoyed...and documented it just in case it escalates.
I have learned MANY lessons in my life and one is not stressing out over people that want you to. I don't give my power away anymore. And my spiritual practices seem to be helping me to remain calm. Seriously gratitude is HUGE in my life and I just don't want to give up my healthy energy to bad behavior. When I left him 12 years ago the first thing I learned, Things are JUST things! THE most important things in my life, are people that I love. Not objects. It is just reminding me of that again!