Ok...in order NOT to have any regrets...I have booked a flight with my son to Austin Tx, we are picking up my daughter and G-boy and then driving to Joplin, MO to visit Grandma Mary before she dies. I hate trying to figure out travel arrangements! grr
Now the sweating begins...I booked my FLIGHT! Grrrr....now to call the doctor and demand DRUGS! I joined the SouthWest and figured out I want a DIRECT non-stop flight! AND I could not believe I got the tickets for $120 each way!!! Not a bad price! Set up the hotel for when we get in, since it will be after 12:30 am...and the car place is closed! AND working on getting the car...
Reality is sinking in!
Lucky for me some one was stupid enough to give me a credit card...so I can finance this whole unexpected adventure! And hope when I get my tax return to pay it off!