Today she turned 93 years old! I sent her a beautiful bouquet of fleurs and Godiva chocolate! She loved them! They will send me photos when they can...
Its hard to believe she is 93! She is having a hard time talking too long because she gets so excited talking to me, she starts to loose her breathe! So I promised to call more often so she doesn't have to go over so much with me...
Apparently she is still stubborn, keeps getting herself in and out of her normal bed, without waiting for my dad in the morning, so she pulled a muscel in her back before xmas...she refused to go in because she WAS going to attend her xmas party! :) I am glad she got to go! Its important the few times during the year that she gets to get out and see family!
She was born at 10 minutes to Midnight on the 31st of December and my daughter was born 4:07 a.m. on New Years...I almost had her on time...but the damn doctor wouldn't give me a c-section...breach is not a fun way to have a baby!