Whew! That is a heck of a drive for one day turn around! Had a flipping blast!!! My Mizz Lindsay Waltman-Ostrom pulled off the biggest surprise ever!!!! She worked with Mizz Rena Veerkamp Askey to also come with Mizz Vicci Henderson to have a meet up with me at the before MARS party!!!
I have wanted to meet these two for YEARS!!!! I cried like a howling baby!!! Screams of delight!!!!! AND lots of jumping up and down!!!! Literally the ugly cry! I think WGB saw how crazy I really am!!! I could NOT believe they kept it all a secret!!!! I felt like Ophra with a surprise headache!!!! It was flipping awesome!!! Photos and a hella funny video to follow! What a fantastic day!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Most importantly each one of these fantastic artist women friends means the world to me. They feed my soul, they understand me, they love me and I love them!
We didn't know that WGB was taping us! Check this out! LOL Yup we are all nuts!