Although I have not been very ehem, motivated with my art lately, I seem to be at a stand still. No fresh idea's happening which is However, I am sitting in the chair and doing the work! I think the issue really is that I get intimidated by the other artists I am doing the art for!
Lindsay for instance, is brilliant, and I love her art so much, I seem to put a lot of pressure on myself to actually finishing anything for her! I have THREE UGRA projects waiting in line and they are ALL for Lindsay! LOL
The good thing...I pushed through and made an amazing piece of art if I do say so myself! Its bright...its Lindsay! I think she will love it! Off to the next person that is playing in it!
On to the next...I did the finishing touches on the Birdhouse for Lindsay and that is going in the mail...I actually like it!
I have been putting together the final touches on the last Lindsay project I have...and although its not finished I am starting to go with the flow and seeing that it will be passable! LOL
I started the process on the next UGRA project, The Kinship of Women! Fascinating little book to alter...however, my friend Loretta used the PHOTOS from MY birthday darn it! So I have to come up with some thing totally different! LOL Well she got the book before I did... SIGH So I am still in the what the heck am I going to do on this page stage!
No photos because I am not sure who reads this so no spoilers! Working on these projects really made my day go by way too fast! Where did my weekend go?
Note: UGRA is the Under Ground Rail Art group I belong to...all done by the projects are ALL collaborative!