So G-boy starts Kindergarten this year, and G-ma wanted to buy him some clothes. We brought him a REALLY cool desk that WGB found for him (as he tells me HE doesn't have any G-boys! wink wink) and G-boy had woken up on the wrong side of the bed. sigh. But he was sporting a new hair cut...BUZZZZZZZZZ
Seems his mom just buys him clothes and if they fit they I tortured the kid by making him try on the pants and shirts! LOL Especially since the size they thought he was, was not his pants size, he is small. While I tried to encourage him that his uncle Vernon who he adores, does this and has shirts and pants like that too! That it was cool...he had a pout session and learned quickly that drama doesn't phase G-ma and G-ma seems to get her way because she is old and stubborn and has the check book! LOL Plus I was going to take photos of him doing this and he got REALLY upset...he wanted NO DOCUMENTATION that he was having a melt down in the dressing room! (I was giggling under my breath) Oh and did I mention the trying ON of shoes? the world was going to end! Snort Well after all was said and done, 2 new nice pants, 3 dress shirts, 6 casual shirts, 12 socks, 6 underware, 6 undershirts and a pair of shoes! G-ma was POOPED!
After the torture the child episode we went to Staples and we forget HOW LITERAL children can be. We pulled up and the WGB said "Ok were here to Staple you!" as a joke...G-boy thought he was I guess we were back to the torture the child thing! Snort
So after that step in the shit moment, we took him to a nice lunch at Claim Jumpers! That at least turned out to be ok, he at least enjoyed that experience and had his drawing item, they gave him coloring books and crayons so all things were good. I had a pomegranet sangria that was HUGE and forgot the bad stuff of the day! snort!
So the biggest hit of the day WAS his desk...