At my alma mater the baby of the family graduates! Jaclyn Graduates High School and she is 11 credits away from her AA...she graduated HS early but we made her walk with her class! AND drama free! Her mother DID honor her request of her not being there. I am happy that she listened to her! Her aunt (Mothers sister) did come and enjoyed the night and we even were able to enjoy each other at dinner afterwards. It meant a lot to her that she drove down to see her and that she didn't push the issue and make her feel guilty. She is a determined young woman...and I am VERY proud of her!
WGB was VERY worried if the mom showed up that her and I would have an ehem, confrontation. Lets just say I made a promise to this kid when she came to live with us, and that was I would protect her from that kind of crap at all cost...and that HER wishes would be up held. If she wanted her mother there I would have fought as hard to get her here as much as I did to put the fear of god into her that she would regret the moment she stepped into my city with the intent of harming this kid! This kid has lived through a lot of what I lived through and I will not allow anyone to abuse her in front of me. OR make her feel guilty for simply making the right choices and decisions for her own life!