Today my daughter actually commented on a post of mine about beading...and the interesting thing was the fact that she told me she always adored my art...even though she always acted like it was stupid. That was a real wowzer moment for me.
She told me she realized what a shit head she was as a kid.
I figured when I died no one would really give a shit about all of my art and now I have hope that my art and collection won't just end up in a landfill some where....
Maybe I DO have a legacy after all - and it all won't just go poof!
Moment for contemplation!
The sad component to that was that later that night she got into a fight with her dad about me...he had a fit seeing a photo of me with the WGB...and he took it out on her...some day maybe he will grow up...he is STILL using the same tactics...that he is going to control the people in his life and she was AMAZED to learn just how long he had been using the same old tactics...
I am sad for her...and I hope she makes some decisions soon to distance herself emotionally from it ... and let some joy into her life.
That is wonderful Carmen.
It must feel great to have her acknowledge your work.
And I am sure that if she can get to that place, she can also get to the place of understanding what he does and doing what is best for her.
Posted by: Alma | Friday, February 19, 2010 at 12:31 PM