You're going to rock and roll this week, Cancer, so get out your
headphones and start dancing to the music the cosmos is playing for
you! On Tuesday dynamic and assertive Mars enters Cancer and your
sector of self, and your attitude will undergo a bit of a
transformation. Yes, you're nice, but perhaps you're a little too nice
and you let others take advantage of you. It's OK to help out your
friends and family, but you shouldn't have to baby-sit every single
Saturday night for a relative or do another's laundry week in and week
out. Now you'll discover that it's OK to say no occasionally,
especially if you have pressing needs of your own to attend to! Your
health might warrant a second glance on Thursday as the Moon in
Sagittarius in your sector of physical well-being squares the Sun in
Virgo. Consider scheduling a checkup for your medical and dental needs
to be sure that all systems are in good working order. Don't be afraid
to tell your doctor or dentist how you really feel, because early
detection of physical ailments is your best medical defense and course
of action.