Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power. -- Clint Eastwood
I took this quote to heart today and renewed my commitment to DE-clutter my home... (6 green garbage bags of clothes are now in the garage to separate this weekend) Movement I have 3 green garbage bags of clothes to good will, 1 green garbage bag of SHOES to good will, now to keep the motivation up! I have to dig out of this cluttered house to gain my emotional health back and my goal of having people over to do art!
WGB was a BRAT today!!!! We got Cable TV today, my channels are still downloading...and I was sitting in my family room going through my pens and he was changing my TV channels from the other room trying to freak me out! Which he did! Snort! Brat!