Trying to keep my self-esteem!
Some days it is just hard to be ehem, a chunky girl. When NONE of your jeans fit it is a discouraging I went clothes shopping and got my SIZE today...poo...and I will be happy that I have pants that fit my lushious bootie as Chica Flaminca tells me!!!! LOL I just have to keep my sense of humor and laugh at myself...there is just no denying that I am fat anymore!
Let me tell you, FULL wrap around mirrors are NOT my friend! I was VERY depressed looking at myself trying on clothes...that I have gone UP a size in my jeans! Seriously cannot hide my gut now! really it is so much more important that I hang on to my self-esteem now and just love myself RIGHT where I am! sigh...
The most important thing to keep in mind, I will have clothes that fit as I go off to ZNE. Who care's about the rest. Even big girls can have fun clothes! Just because we are ehem, chunky. Doesn't mean we want frumpy!
The irratating thing was the experience with Macy's...lets just say I will NEVER shop there again and I have closed my acct with them!
The rest of the night was spent knitting and catching up on programs.