"The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore." -- Vincent Van Gogh I do this every time I go to a new place my myself, I get anxiety! I know I will have a good time at ZNE Art retreat...just have to relax and go with it! I don't know why I get this way, it is just silly.
Today was my Friday, AND I got to see Mary! It was her day to come down and pick up her stuff! I just SO miss her! We went and had a coffee and talked as much as we could before I had to get back to work. I just really really miss her! She was my knitting buddy! And we were just so connected! She got me! I got her! It is fun and easy...
We are not going to let our friendship go...we are going to work at staying close! Before I left work I noticed she threw one of her plants away, I took it home and repotted it and fed it, hoping I can revive the poor thing. She just didn't want to take care of one more thing right now so she left it! Maybe I can surprise her with it! Giggle
I wore my Secret Lentil top and Helen, the designer and maker contacted me to tell me HOW cute I am in her top! How awesome is she!!!! Ok...off to pack for ZNE. AND I must say, I am LOVING my hair!