My girlfriend Mary is back in town for a few days, we had dinner
tonight at Sundance Steak House! YUM and great place to share our lives!
We got all caught up and I am RELIEVED that we were able to talk, she is an RN and she made me feel a lot better! NO the things under my arms are NOT AGE SPOTS!!! They are a rash from the razor burns like I thought! AND she said most of my symptoms match the thryoid meds being off! AND the anti-depressant IS for the hot flashes! She used the same one! But I think I will pass for now since every thing is SO outta whack!
We laughed so hard...because I told her how suddenly I just felt like I was falling apart...including a scab in my nose!!! SHE has the same thing!!! dry doc gave me some cream for it! We laughed so hard that we were both experiencing the same things!
"Getting old isn't for sissy's!" Bette Davis! FOR SURE!
It was awesome to have a wonderful meal and wine with a friend in real life that can make you laugh at yourself and comfort you at the same soul is soothed!
Thanks to all of you here AND here in the flesh...the crisis has been averted! Snort! Thank you for hanging in there with me and letting me whine!
Here is part of my friend Liv's posting from yesterday! I was just telling him that I tried to walk like John Wayne, but almost fell on my ass with this vertigo! Snort!
Gypsy - you know me and my attitude. It's the
same as your essentially. Spit in the eye of
life. It's time to call on your inner John
Wayne. OK so I'm goin' down, but ah'm a-takin you
down with me
Embrace the excuse, no, I mean the licence
to let go at people who deserve it. Lots of
folk confuse anger management with anger
suppression and repression. Harness it:
that's what "management" really
means. You've kicked ass these last few
years. keep doing it. To hell with
"reasonable behaviour". Work out
what's reasonable and then work out what kind
of malice you can get away with!