"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that
you've decided to look beyond the imperfections." -- Author Unknown
Quote from the Universe:
When you can look beneath their behavior that hurt you, Gypsy, and you
can see the frightened child - it becomes nearly impossible to be angry
and carry a grudge.
And you so can.
The Universe
Besides, Gypsy, your happiness, abundance, health, and friendships are not dependent on how others behave.
I got this in my email today PERFECT for what I was feeling...SO true! I am grateful that I remain open to what I need to learn and follow through!
Today I got in 3,690 steps...but I have to try to improve! Step it up and I have to start adding weights! I am still doing my life affirming drawing classes, but today I am frustrated because I cannot view the darn Videos on SuziBlu still! Gah...I wonder if it is my computer! My computer has been painfully slow!
Two funny things happened today, when WGB and I were driving back to my work after lunch we saw the Airship! Way awesome looking over my building!!! www.airshipventures.com/tours-promos.php#s6 Until seeing the price I had wanted to give the WGB a day up in the airship for his birthday...
And on my way home from work I saw this cool car!!! I want a FROG car!!!! I have been wanting a convertable, and this one wouldn't make WGB so nervous! He doesn't want me to get that Miata I want!