Today, all day, I cried at the drop of a hat. And the heavy soul work I have been doing, makes me a little raw as well.
"Discouragement is a negative emotion with more than one trick up its dark sleeve. It tricks you into mentally or emotionally dwelling in the very place you want to leave. Drop all such sorrow permanently by daring to see through this deception of the unconscious mind. Who you really are, your True Nature, is no more tied to the kind of person you’ve been than the wind is tied to the skies through which it moves. Your past is just that, the past, a place within your psyche with no more reality to it then the picture of a castle on a postcard is made from stone. You have a destination far beyond where you find yourself standing today." – Guy Finley
I immersed myself in this quote today...
SoManyIdeas sent me this wonderful hand made card!!!! Cheer up card made with creepy dolls I LOVE!!!! I needed it! and my Lana friend at work gave me the sillyfrog, it was on my keyboard this morning!
Today! Another amazing thing happened, I walked 5,494...downside 2 blisters on my heel...threw those old tennis shoes out when I got home! And unfortunately a asthma issue again today. But I am not giving up! I have NEVER done any kind of I am a little nervous about weight watchers...but Lucy had told me it worked for I am going to try it...another step to health and more life affirming efforts!