We would like to live as we once lived,but history will not permit it. -John Fitzgerald Kennedy
What a LONG torture day at work....Today at work was TORTURE! So slow! I made an appt for the doc and I really like this one...but she has her practice closed for new patients, mine I just haven't connected with. This doctor actually LOOKED at me while I was talking, and ASKED me questions! She tested my oxygen levels - Good! My breathing for asthma - Good! In the range for my age! LOL My nose which looks irritated along with my ears - my chest is clear so the coughing is normal... Just have to take care of myself...Ok Doc says its viral it will run its course...I am trying! I thought maybe it was infection I feel so bad...but lucky me its not! So just lots of liquids, cough meds and sleep!
Don't you some times just wish they had a magic wand to wave over you??? I do! there ALL better!
Stress...it makes any little thing hang on, so the lesson is to LET IT GO...there is nothing you can do to change things out of your control. And meditate and love yourself enough to be present.