Well, it was MY Monday and I was back at work in basic black to show off my Mermaid Nights Shawl, in deep blues, purples and golds. I love this little shawl, it is enough to keep the chill off here in sunny California, where we think it is COLD at 60!
This was a fun knit and fast too...I should make some more...I get a lot of wonderful compliments in it!
I SO enjoyed meeting my new friend Lynn from BennyLoves over the weekend. We instantly connected. I love when that happens. We have a lot in common and I love her knitting!!!! He spirit comes through her art that is for sure! She is a delight and so joyful! If you would love some of her items RUSH to her etsy and pick a few out...that is if "I" haven't taken them all!
And the most talented LoriMarsha sent her bracelet to me....SQUEEL with pink delight! When I first set my eyes on this I contacted her right away to see if she could hold it for me! I just fell in love with this Victorian feel beauty! LoriMarsha has the best stash ever! You can see her etsy shop here!
AND not to be outdone was the Funky Felter who came through with this purse! All my fav colors to delight me! I had a high today from all the goodies that came in!!! It can make a sad girl happy!
On my way home from work I decided to do my own hair color! Brave I know! I think it worked out really well! It is called Chocolate! With red and violet in it. I think I should have done 1/2 Chocolate and 1/2 Coffee for the dark didn't come out as deep as I wanted so next time I will add the 1/2 coffee and see! But for a newbie hair dyer it turned out really good I think! I saw the color on a co-worker and loved it!
And I stopped by Rasputten again and this time found the first set of Dark Shadows! OMG they are hysterical!!! I love the cheeze! I have watched the first disc!!!! Too much fun!