April 6, 1957 - November 3, 2008
It was a nice memorial. Renee would have loved it. The flowers were beautiful, Derrik's girlfriend brought them. Red was Renee's favorite color. Darlene, Sharon and Roxanne from the City came.
Her sisters put on a really nice brunch, and we toasted to Renee and pledged to help the kids. It was a big boo-hoo day, but it was so great to be there and celebrate her life. I loved her. During the talking 3 geese flew over at one of the most perfect she was kissing us all for being there...
Another memorable moment for me, was hearing a frog talk to us from the bushes...made me smile...
I lost it big time when they started to play Amazing Grace (Amazing version, I have to find out who sung that one) and In the Arms of the Angels... oooosh....
They had a beautiful slide show playing of her life...and it was hard to watch, but so gratifying to watch as well...
She would have loved this day!
She was a strong woman, she was confident, intuitive, caring, demanding, and had a great work ethic... I loved her laugh and her sarcasm! What some people would call abrassive, I would call honest...