This is the look of some one READY to go insane! You know, you can start the day off with all the optimisum in the world and the minute you get there you realize it is going to hell fast...That fuckin clicker man made noise ALL DAY LONG! All week he has been coming in at 8 am!!! SO A FULL DAY!!!! I was ready to scream...I am surprised my head has not exploded! I resent my boss MORE than him...SHE keeps him there! I swear I hate having other people have control over my life who are fucking passive aggressive!
The good thing that happened today? MAIL! Yummy BOOKS! Books to feed my soul! Life is a VERB...Self-portraits...and Cloth Paper Scissors! Yippee! SO home in my tink pj's AND Pasta comfort food dinner! I think I need a MARGARITA! GRRRRRR