My brother Chuck got a hold of me first thing this morning to get an email address from me to send what he did for Christmas!!!! AND here is the original photo he is trying to recreate...I love this!!! When I was 19 and went to Joplin for my first visit we three did this at the mall...unfortunately by the time the photos were ready none of us had the money to pick them up! Some day we will do it again! Grin!
I know that some times I still feel like an outsider, for instance the pang of not being in the photos...but I SURE love that he did this! This is AMAZING! And SO grateful that it happened before grandma who is 89 passes away...I think I might photoshop myself in a couple! Too funny! I think kids from divorce will always feel this way...but especially since NEITHER parent raised me it is a hard head/soul concept for me to deal with...and when I don't want to deal with it...up it pops rearing its ugly head like an old demon does! I choose to embrace the love of my brother who did this out of sheer love and wanting ALL of his family together! Good job Chuck! You did awesome! I
think the world may end or the Apocalypse is actually approaching! I
cannot BELIEVE he got our dad and his mom in the SAME room in the SAME