No face makeup today...I was running late after doing my hair! So red is the face color today! snort I am still rubbing my eyes, I am TIRED!!! I mean bone tired! I cannot wait for the time change to happen! I hate that they moved it! My body is SO ready for sleep and the right lighting! And seriously, after work I got into my robe and and even caught a moment of HOW tired I really am! Giggle
I am SO looking forward to Fall...where is my weather? Where is my time change? Where are my colored leaves?
It was SO funny, I got to work today and there were TWO CHICKENS!!! CHICKENS PEOPLE! On the lawn!!!! Seriously TWO CHICKENS! They are beautiful too! Here is a photo of them! I think they live across the street at one of the Victorian houses.
2 people at work commented on my weight loss is it when I feel REALLY fat I get compliments? But I am noticing these pants are baggy, so maybe I am not gaining the weight back.
And my work on the orange shrug is REALLY going slow...I am just not working on it like I usually do my other projects...I have to kick myself into knitting action! I am thinking it is going well, but I have never made one. I am excited to have one that I hope I can fit better!