Well, what a day! Got to work poured my coffee and Suzie came by and brought me a FROG! Witch Frog! Ooooh delightful! then we went to class for half the day! I am enjoying the speaker! And learning a few good tips here and there! And seeing other people I never get to see on a weekly basis! I enjoyed having lunch with Suzie, it had been a very long time since we have done this. I always enjoy her company! So the day just blasted by, I couldn't believe how fast it went! poof gone!
So far no walking after work...still not feeling right. So today 4, 980 steps!
Mary finished her shrug! I LOVE the pattern! It is my size for sure! I am going to try it! She did her's with Malabrego yarn! YUMMIEST color as well! I may have to use mine for this pattern as well!
She is whipping out some fun stuff! Purses and shrugs and more! I haven't really done anything that needs a pattern! Snort
Then after lunch! Mail call! A package from Bewitched!!!! The witch AND a Sabrina Banner! Spooky! I loved the banner! Now I need to get a little package together and mail her some art goodies!
Sabrina just started 2nd grade! And she is already an artist! But I guess when you think about it, when you are this age you believe you are everything...and I hope she doesn't loose that!
When I got home, plugged in Angel and enjoyed a couple of episodes as I sketched a bit...