Well it was a good day, one of my co-workers called me a "Skinny Bitch"!!! Ha ha ha I love it! And the fact my hair was fantastic today! I LOVE the way it worked for me today! The day at work was tolerable...
And when I got home....SQUEEEEL surprise! Dee had sent me an envie!!!! With TONS of goodies! Including BOWIE Socks!!!! They rocked my world! Squeeel with delight! I was SO grateful when I opened that package! My days have been spent in deep thought about life and why I have been so down...all the issues out of my control...and her random act of kindness blew me away! I love you Dee!
Today when I went out to water the plants, I noticed the Cukes have flowers on them! Must mean I am going to get fruit! I hope I hope I hope!
I met you briefly at CONVENZIONE and just loved the moment. And here I am reading more about you. Don't you ever feel down again; you are a beautiful woman, unique, interesting, attractive somebody I was drawn to. I will keep you on my radar both on Flickr and ZNE. Hope you arrived home safely. We arrived last night after driving 8 hours.
Posted by: Constanza | Monday, August 25, 2008 at 08:58 PM