No make up today...feeling like crap...anxiety...This too shall pass! Nothing like breaking out! Yuck! I hate adult acne! I am a mess! You would think this would be a great opportunity and a lot of why the anxiety? I hate that I am experiencing this, but I am going to try to embrace it and learn from it. This has been going on since December and I am really tired of the flight or fight mode my body seems to be in...some thing turned the switch on and I am trying to turn it back off!
Most of my things are packed for the ZNE ConvenZioNE! YEAH! Only 2,808 steps today...I even went too Michaels for the couple of things I didn't have on her list, and I feel that I am at least ready and organized. I am trying to figure out what to wear, and part of that is having grundge clothes that I don't care if I get paint and stuff on it! AND I bought these cool totes! The straw one was $1.99!!!! Score! These are easy bags to carry to class! Excited!
I am so drained and exhausted that I am heading off to bed...I hope I can sleep...