Humf...but its my FRIDAY! Yippee vacation for an Art Retreat! Yeah! Clickerman went home sick before noon!!!! What a pleasant day at work for me!!! It was a gift to lift my spirit, so that I could be in my happy place while I get ready to go to the ZNE ConvenZioNE in Pleasanton...SO close to home!
I am experiencing anxiety about going...WHY do I have anxiety?
When I posted this photo on Flickr, one of my flickrettes made this comment that just spun my head! "Oh my gosh. I am so jealous (the good kind)
of how beautiful you look! I mean, of course
you have always been beautiful, but your real
face and body is emerging and you are just
gorgeous!" NOW THAT is motivation for me! I think that is one of the best compliments I have EVER received in my entire life! And it makes me see that people CAN see a difference and that I am going to keep myself motivated to shed this excess weight! I can get so discouraged because I have so FAR to go! But when people can see that I am making a change it gets me motivated!!!! When I woke up this morning my feet were really swollen, I think I might have too much salt still in my diet...I don't add any to my food, but it seems there is still an issue with it. So I have to continue to watch this.
Here is the highlight of the day! Jack! Jack the rascal came in and ran around and loved all of us...and he is so damn cute I want to steal him!!! There is nothing better than Jack kisses!!!! Especially gives me such JOY!!!! LOVE the little fur ball!
And since the WGB does not want any more fur babies ever, he said it would be like him telling me he wants a baby! GACK...I so want a little dog! A puggly or some other small one! When I retire...and the other fur babies are gone... Duncan said he will teach me how to whine, like he did to get his girlfriend to comply with getting Jack! LOL
At home I worked on the icon book and tried to relax...I am LOVING the way it is looking!